This event runs the block of code before inserting data into the
database. Operations such as validation can be performed under this event to
prevent wrong entry inside the database.
trigger triggerName on objectName (before
insert) {
// Block of code
Let us understand with a simple example:
We are having the requirement to write a trigger on the lead
object to prevent the creation of lead in “Closed - Converted” status. We will
be writing a trigger to achieve this requirement.
trigger leadMainTrigger
on Lead (before insert) { // Event is before insert.
validateLeadData obj=new validateLeadData(); // Declaring the instance of class.
if(trigger.isbefore && trigger.isinsert) // Using context variables.
obj.method1(; // Calling apex class method using instance of class.
public class
validateLeadData {
public void method1(List<Lead> leadList){ //Getting lead records list from
for(Lead obj:leadList){ // Iterating over lead list.
if(obj.status=='Closed - Converted'){ // checking the status.
obj.addError('Lead cannot be created in "Closed - Converted"
status. Please select other status'); // Throw error if condition is satisfied.
Now let us try to create a lead record in "Closed - Converted" status.
Hello Sir I'm trying to write a trigger on child object its having two field start date and end date.
ReplyDeleteI want to giving a limit for these two field from 1st date to 10th date. If user enter a end date 11th then it will get error.
Please help for same.
This is an excellent example of how triggers can be used for data validation.