The @HttpGet annotation is used at the method level and enables us to expose an Apex method as a REST resource. To use the @HttpGet annotation our apex method must be defined as global static.To create a custom webservice the first step is to create an apex class annoted with @RestResource annotation.
In a class annoted with @RestResource we can create 5 methods each with different annotations like GET,DELETE,POST,PUT,PATCH. Multiple methods cannot be annoted with same notation, for example in a class there can be only one method annoted with GET,DELETE,POST,PUT,PATCH at a time.
Note: Methods annotated with @HttpGet are also called if the HTTP request uses the HEAD request method.
Below is an example of webservice which need id or any unique identifier as a parameter in request and it will return record associated with it.
global with sharing class getAccounttoSingleRecord {
global static String fettringchAccount(){
Account obj=new Account();
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;
string accId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
obj=[Select id , name from Account where id=:accId];
string serializeResponse=JSON.Serialize(obj);
return serializeResponse;
- The above web service will be accessible at below URL with GET method from external system after successful authentication.
'' + externalAccId;
- The method "fetchAccount()" will be automatically called once the request is made at above URL with GET method.
- The externalAccId mentioned in above URL can be any unique parameter using which we can identify the correct record,
In our example we are expecting id of the account record.
- We use the RestRequest class to access incoming request.
For more details visit: What is RestRequest class in salesforce?
- We use the RestResponce class and it is used to pass data from an apex RESTful web service method to an HTTP response.
For more details visit: What is RestResponse class in salesforce?
Now, let us try to this test our webservice from workbench.
Click "Execute" button and now click "Show Raw Response".
\"Id\":\"0017F00004eD8XzQAK\",\"Name\":\"Test 105 Account\"}"
As we can see the response we are returning here is of string type, if we want to return JSON format we need to modify the above webservice class as shown below,
global with sharing class getAccounttoSingleRecord {
global static Account fettringchAccount(){
Account obj=new Account();
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = Restcontext.response;
string accId = req.requestURI.substring(req.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
obj=[Select id , name from Account where id=:accId];
// string serializeResponse=JSON.Serialize(obj);
return obj;
Now, Click "Execute" button and now click "Show Raw Response".
"attributes" : {
"type" : "Account",
"url" :
"Id" : "0017F00004eD8XzQAK",
"Name" : "Test 105 Account"
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