In this blog post we are covering "AURA scenario based interview questions", for LWC interview questions visit link --> LWC interview questions.
1) What is Lightning Component Framework and What is Aura Framework?
- Lightning Component framework is a UI framework for developing single page applications for mobile and desktop devices.· It uses JavaScript on the client side and Apex on the server side.· Lightning Component framework makes developing apps that work on both mobile and desktop devices far simpler than many other frameworks.· Lightning component Framework is based on Aura Framework.· Aura Framework is design by Salesforce which is open source framework for creating ui components.
#salesforce lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions#lightning component interview questions#lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce interview questions on lightning
2) What is Lightning App Builder?
Lightning app builder is used to
create lightning pages for Salesforce Lightning
experience and mobile apps.The Lightning App Builder is a point-and-click
tool.Lightning Pages are built using Lightning components which are compact,
configurable, and reusable elements that you can drag and drop into regions of
the page in the Lightning App Builder.
We can create different
types of pages using lightning app builder,
1)App Page
2)Home Page
3)Record Page
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
3) What is the use of $A.enqueueAction(action) and how to call server side action from client side?
) adds the server-side controller action to the queue of actions to be
executed.The actions are asynchronous and have callbacks.
For more details
visit==>Calling a Server-Side Action
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4) What is Value provider and What is action provider in Salesforce Lightning component?
Value provider is a
way to access data,with value provider "v" we can fetch value
of attribute from component markup in javascript controller.Value provider is
denoted with v(view) and action provider is denoted with "c "(controller).
Value provider:
This value provider enable us to access value of component attribute in component markup and javascript controller.
<aura:attribute type="string" name="myfirstattribute" default="first text"/>
Action provider:
This enable us to handle actions,event,handlers for the component.
Ex:<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doinit}"/>
In Javascript controller,
event, helper) {
// some operations
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
5) What are Attributes in Salesforce Lightning component?
Attributes act like
a variable to store different types of values.
For more details
visit==>Basic Attributes type in Salesforce Lightning
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6) What are collection types in Salesforce Lightning component?
#salesforce lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions#lightning component interview questions#lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce interview questions on lightning
7) What is the use of interface force:hasRecordId and flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes in Salesforce Lightning component?
using force:hasRecordId interface in lightning component we can assigned the id
of the current record to lightning component. This interface adds an attribute
named "recordId" to the component. The type of attribute is string
and has 18-character Salesforce record ID.
To make our component available for record page and any other type of page, we need to implement the interface flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes
For more details
visit==>force:hasRecordId and flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes
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8) What is the use of interface Lightning:actionOverride in Salesforce Lightning component?
Lightning:actionOverride interface Enables a component to be used as
an override for a standard action. We can override the View,New,
Edit, and Tab standard actions on most standard and all custom components. The
component needs to implement the interface Lightning:actionOverride after which the component appear in the
Lightning Component Bundle menu of an object action Override Properties panel.
For more details
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Interface flexipage:availableForRecordHome make the component available
for record pages only.
For more details
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10) What is the use of interface force:appHostable in Salesforce Lightning component?
Interface force:appHostable in component allow it to be used as a
custom tab in Lightning Experience or the Salesforce mobile app.
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11) What is the difference between force:lightningQuickAction and force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader in Salesforce Lightning component?
Interface force:lightningQuickAction allow the component to be used as a
custom action in Lightning Experience or the Salesforce mobile app.
Implementing the force:lightningQuickAction in a component, component interface
display in a panel with standard action controls, such as a Cancel button.
Interface force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader allow the component to be used as a custom action in Lightning Experience or the Salesforce mobile app. Implementing the force:lightningQuickAction in a component, component interface display in a panel without standard action controls like cancel button.
For more details
visit==>force:lightningQuickAction and
#salesforce lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions#lightning component interview questions#lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce interview questions on lightning
12) What is the use of aura:handler init event in Salesforce Lightning component?
This is
also called as the constructor of lightning component. The init event is called
once the component construction is over. As an example if I am creating a
simple registration page and I want to display some default text value after
page load in my input boxes I can do this by calling the javascript controller
method and setting some default value in the attributes.
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doinit}"/>
For more details
visit==>Init Event in Salesforce Lightning
#salesforce lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions#lightning component interview questions#lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce interview questions on lightning
13) What is the use of aura:handler change event in the Salesforce Lightning component?
change event is called when the value in one of the attribute changes.
As an
Example If i am having attribute " Anyname", on change of
attribute "Anyname" if I want to call javascript method i can do this
<aura:attribute name="Anyname" type="String" />
name="change" value="{!v.Anyname}"
For more details
visit==>Change Event in Salesforce Lightning
#salesforce lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions#lightning component interview questions#lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce interview questions on lightning
14) What is component event in Salesforce Lightning component?
Events are fired by the child components and handled by the parent component.
require parent child relationship between two components if we want to use
component event between them for communication.
For more details
visit==>Component event in Lightning
#salesforce lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions#lightning component interview questions#lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce lightning interview questions 2020#salesforce interview questions on lightning
15) What is application event in Salesforce Lightning component?
event are the event handle by any component no matter what relationship between
them but they should be inside single application.
For more details
visit==>Application event in Lightning Component
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16) What is the main advantage of using Component event over application events?
We should always use Component Events
whenever possible this is because Component events can only be handled by
parent components so the components in picture are only those components which
need to know about them.
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
17) Explain Bound and Unbound expressions in Salesforce Lightning component?
Let see two example:
<c:ChildComp childAttributeName="{!v.parentAttributeName}" /> <!--Bound Expression-->
childAttributeName="{!v.parentAttributeName}" is a bound expression. Any change to the value of the childAttributeName attribute in child component also changes the value of parentAttributeName attribute in parent component and vice versa.
<c:ChildComp childAttributeName="{#v.parentAttributeName}" /> <!--Unbound Expression-->
childAttributeName="{#v.parentAttributeName}" is a Unbound expression. Any change to the value of the childAttributeName attribute in child component has no effect on the value of parentAttributeName attribute in parent component and vice versa.
We have two types
of expression Bound expression and Unbound expression which we use to perform data binding in
lightning components.
Let see two example:
<c:ChildComp childAttributeName="{!v.parentAttributeName}" /> <!--Bound Expression-->
childAttributeName="{!v.parentAttributeName}" is a bound expression. Any change to the value of the childAttributeName attribute in child component also changes the value of parentAttributeName attribute in parent component and vice versa.
<c:ChildComp childAttributeName="{#v.parentAttributeName}" /> <!--Unbound Expression-->
childAttributeName="{#v.parentAttributeName}" is a Unbound expression. Any change to the value of the childAttributeName attribute in child component has no effect on the value of parentAttributeName attribute in parent component and vice versa.
For more details
visit==>Bound expression and Unbound expression
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
18) What is Aura:method in Salesforce Lightning component?
we can
directly call a child component controller method from the parent component
controller method using Aura:method. This method is used to pass value
from parent component controller to the child component controller.
For more details
visit==>Aura:method in lightning component
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19) What is Lightning:overlayLibrary in Salesforce Lightning component?
To create a modal box we
use Lightning:overlayLibrary.To use Lightning:overlayLibrary in component we need to
include tag <lightning:overlayLibrary
aura:id="overlayLib"/> in
component, here aura:id is unique local id.
Modal has header,body and footer which are customizable.
For more details
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20) What is lightning:navigation in Salesforce Lightning component?
Lightning:navigation is used to navigate
to a given pageReference.
Following are the supported type where we can navigate,
Lightning Component
Knowledge Article
Named Page
Navigation Item Page
Object Page
Record Page
Record Relationship Page
Web Page
For more details visit==>Lightning:navigation
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
21) Explain Lightning:recordForm in Salesforce Lightning component?
Using lightning:recordForm we can create
forms to add, view, or update a record. The field-level
security and sharing are taken into consideration by this component so user
will only see the data they have access to.
more details visit==>Lightning:recordForm
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
22) Explain Lightning:recordEditForm in Salesforce Lightning component?
We use lightning:inputField inside the lightning:recordEditForm to
create editable fields.We can use lightning:outputField as well to display
read-only information. The field-level security and sharing are taken into
consideration by this component so user will only see the data they have
access to. lightning:recordEditForm supports the below features:
Display a record edit layout for editing a specified record.
Display a record create layout for creating a new record.
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23) Explain Lightning:recordViewForm in Salesforce Lightning component ?
For more details
Lightning:recordViewForm use lightning:outputField and is
used to display
information related to that record. The field-level security and sharing are taken into consideration by this component so user will only see the data they have access to.
information related to that record. The field-level security and sharing are taken into consideration by this component so user will only see the data they have access to.
For more details
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24) Explain Standard controller of lightning component (force:recordData)?
more details visit==>Standard
controller of lightning component (force:recordData)
Lightning Data Service (LDS) act as the data layer for
If we are not using LDS, every component within our
app makes independent calls to the server to perform operations on a record,
even if all components within our app are dealing with same record data. These
are independent server calls which reduces performance.LDS identifies and
eliminates requests that involve the same record data, sending a single shared
data request that updates all relevant components, it also provides
a way to cache data to work offline in case the user gets disconnected,
intelligently syncing the data once the connection is restored.If we have a
Lightning application that creates, reads, updates, or deletes records, LDS is
the best, most efficient way to do CRUD operations.
more details visit==>Standard
controller of lightning component (force:recordData)
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
25) What are the method available with force:recordData and What are the supported mode?
saveRecord() // It insert or
update the loaded record.
deleteRecord() // It deletes the loaded record.
getNewRecord() // It loads a new record template that performs an
insert when data is saved.
reloadRecord() // It reruns the loading code to overwrite the current
targetRecord with the current
attribute values.
mode can be either EDIT or VIEW.(View for displaying records, edit for
creating or updating records)
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
26) Which mode we need to use to save record using force:recordData?
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
27) Which mode we need to use to create record using force:recordData??
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
28) Explain parameters used with force:recordData in the below syntax ?
<force:recordData aura:id="someId"
recordId specify the record on which processing needs to be done.
mode can be either EDIT or VIEW.(View for displaying records, edit for creating or updating records)
layoutType specifies the layout (FULL or COMPACT).
fields specifies which fields in the record to query.
target attributes are attributes that force:recordData populates itself.
1) targetRecord is populated with the loaded record
2) targetFields is populated with the simplified view of the loaded record
3) targetError is populated with any errors
mode can be either EDIT or VIEW.(View for displaying records, edit for creating or updating records)
layoutType specifies the layout (FULL or COMPACT).
fields specifies which fields in the record to query.
target attributes are attributes that force:recordData populates itself.
1) targetRecord is populated with the loaded record
2) targetFields is populated with the simplified view of the loaded record
3) targetError is populated with any errors
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
29) What parameter we use with force:recordData to handle record changes?
Sample syntax:
<force:recordData aura:id="forceRecordDataCmp"
recordUpdated="{!c.recordUpdated}" />
For every force:recordData component referencing the updated record, LDS does two things.
Sample syntax:
<force:recordData aura:id="forceRecordDataCmp"
recordUpdated="{!c.recordUpdated}" />
For every force:recordData component referencing the updated record, LDS does two things.
- LDS notifies all other instances of force:recordData of the change by firing the recordUpdated event with the appropriate changeType and changedFields value.
- It sets the targetRecord and targetFields attribute on each force:recordData to the new record value. If targetRecord or targetFields is referenced by any UI, this automatically triggers a rerender so that the UI displays the latest data.
Note: If force:recordData is in EDIT mode, targetRecord and targetFields are not automatically updated.
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30) What is Lightning out ?
Lightning out is a feature by which we can use our
lightning component inside of an external site. One of the best advantage
is we can use our lightning component inside visualforce page.
For more details visit==>Lightning out in
#aura components interview questions#lightning aura components interview questions#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers#lightning interview questions in salesforce#sfdc lightning interview questions#lightning interview questions and answers
31) What is force:createRecord and what is the main advantage?
Sample syntax:
For more details
visit==>force:createRecord in lightning
force:createRecord is an event that opens
a page to create a record for specific entity.
Sample syntax:
createRecord : function (component, event,
helper) {
var createRecordEvent =
"entityApiName": "ObjectApiName"
The main advantage is defaultFieldValues attribute inside setParams let us auto
populate value on fields inside record form.
"entityApiName": "Account",
For more details
visit==>force:createRecord in lightning
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32) Explain force:editRecord event?
This event opens the record page specified
by recordId to edit.
editRecordEvent = $A.get("e.force:editRecord");
"recordId": component.get("v.recordId")
For more details
in lightning
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33) What is Lightning:datatable in Salesforce Lightning component?
For more details
in Salesforce
Lightning datatable is a table that displays columns
of data, formatted according to type.
Important attributes includes data, columns, and keyField attributes.The keyField
attribute is required for correct table behavior. It associates each row with a
unique identifier.
For more details
in Salesforce
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34) To form a container around a information related to single item or group of item what we need to use in lightning component?
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35) On load of lightning component you are required to execute some action what you will do to achieve this?
We will use "Init" Event which is also called as the constructor of lightning component.The init event is called once the component construction is over.
name="init" value="{!this}"
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36) you are asked to execute some action when value change is detected in one of the attribute what will you do?
We will use "change" Event.
The change event is called when the value in one of the attribute changes.
As an Example If i am having attribute " Anyname", on change of
attribute "Anyname" if i want to call javascript method i can do this
name="Anyname" type="String" />
name="change" value="{!v.Anyname}"
#lightning salesforce interview questions#lightning interview questions for experienced#lightning components interview questions#lightning interview questions salesforce#interview questions on lightning salesforce#salesforce lightning aura components interview questions
37) You are having a requirement to pass value from child component to parent component which type of event you will use?
We will use Component event. Component event are used in case when there
is a relationship between component. Component Events are fired by the child
components and handled by the parent component.
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38) You are having a requirement to pass value from one component to other component which are not related but a part of same application which type of event you will use?
We will make use of Application event. Application event are the event handle by any component no matter what relationship between them but they should be
inside single application.
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use of Lightning:recordForm or Standard controller of lightning component
#lightning salesforce interview questions#lightning interview questions for experienced#lightning components interview questions#lightning interview questions salesforce#interview questions on lightning salesforce#salesforce lightning aura components interview questions
40) Lightning component is what type of framework?
It is a component based framework. It is an event driven
architecture. It can called as a MVCC framework which has two controller, one
is client side and other is server side.
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41) How to use lightning component with Salesforce mobile app?
Make a tab for lightning component and include this tab in Salesforce1
mobile navigation.
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42) What are the requirement to call a server side controller method from Javascript controller?
should be static and must be Aura enabled using @AuraEnabled.
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43) When CRUD operations can be performed by form-based components like lightning:recordForm, lightning:recordViewForm, lightning:recordEditForm taking field level security into consideration so what is the need of force:recordData?
force:recordData is known as standard controller of lightning component similar
to we have standard controller in visualforce page. On its own,
force:recordData does not have inbuilt UI. We need to define the fields for
taking inputs. The lack of UI elements makes it a powerful addition. We can use
it to create highly customizable user interfaces beyond what the form-based
components provide. We can use custom components to display the data fetched by
#lightning salesforce interview questions#lightning interview questions for experienced#lightning components interview questions#lightning interview questions salesforce#interview questions on lightning salesforce#salesforce lightning aura components interview questions
44) What are different component bundles in Salesforce Lightning component?
A component bundle contains a component or an app and all its related resources.
When you build lightning component you deal with the following component bundles,
- Component
- Components contains markup for component or app.
- The only required resource in a bundle.
- Each bundle contains only one component or app resource.
Mycomp.cmp(Sample component)
or app)
- Controller
Controller is used to handle client side events in components.
- Helper
Contains Javascript functions to handle logic.
Ex: Myhelper.js
Ex: Myhelper.js
- Style
Contains styles for the component.
Ex: Mycomp.css
Ex: Mycomp.css
- Documentation
Documentation includes description and example to demonstrate the use of component.
Ex: MyComp.auradoc
Ex: MyComp.auradoc
- Renderer
Contains default rendering behavior for component, We can override this by custom renderer.
Ex: MyCompRenderer.js
Ex: MyCompRenderer.js
It is a custom icon resource for components that get displayed before the component name in lightning app builder or community builder.
Ex: MyComp.svg
Ex: MyComp.svg
- Design
File required for components used in Lightning App Builder, Lightning pages, Community Builder, or Flow Builder.
- App
App is used to run the component.
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45) What is NameSpace in Salesforce Lightning component?
The lightning component which we used are a part of NameSpace. NameSpace
is basically used to group components together. The default NameSpace is c. We
can create our own NameSpace for our organization. If we set the NameSpace for
our organization than this NameSpace is used for all of our Lightning
#lightning salesforce interview questions#lightning interview questions for experienced#lightning components interview questions#lightning interview questions salesforce#interview questions on lightning salesforce#salesforce lightning aura components interview questions
46) How can a Component or Application reference another Component?
Component or Application can reference
another component using <NameSpace:ComponentName> in its markup.
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
47) What is the difference between <lightning:input> and <ui:input> in Salesforce Lightning component?
<lightning:input> are equipped with
Lightning Design System Stylling whereas <ui:input> is not equipped with
Lightning Design System Styling.
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
48) Which interface needs to be implemented if we want our component to be used in Community?
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
49) Explain the below javascript controller method?
function(component, event, helper) {
var action =
function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
alert('Contact inserted successfully');
} else if (state === "INCOMPLETE") {
} else if (state === "ERROR") {
1) addContact is a Javascript
controller method will be called from Component markup.
2) Another Javascript controller method
cannot called this "addContact" Method.
3) The parameters component in
addContact is automatically provided by framework as a parameters to
Javascript controller method so that the markup properties like attributes can
be accessed using this.
4) The parameters event is
automatically provided by framework as a parameters to Javascript controller
method so that the source from which the addContact controller
method was called can be determined.
5) The parameters helper is
automatically provided by framework as a parameters to Javascript controller
method and using this the helper method can be called from Javascript
controller method.
6) var action =
component.get('c.insertContact'); is calling the server method which
has the name insertContact.
7) action.setParams({
}); is optional parameter which is used to pass the apex
server method the required paramters.
8) action.setCallback received
response as parameter using which the state of response and response return can
be determined.
9) $A.enqueueAction(action); adds the
server-side controller action to the queue of actions to be executed.The
actions are asynchronous and have callbacks.
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
50) Explain the syntax to register the Component event?
<aura:component >
<!--Name is used to give some name say "registrationInChild"
to event during registration and in the type we specify the event-->
<aura:registerEvent name="registrationInChild" type="c:CompEvent"/>
<aura:attribute name="textMessage"
type="String" default="Part from child comp"/>
<lightning:button label="Click To
Fire" onclick="{!c.doHandleEvent}"/>
Component Event:
<aura:event type="COMPONENT" description="Event template" >
<aura:attribute name="storeMessage" type="String"/>
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
51) How to get the above event i.e(Component event) in Javascript controller of the component and how to fire it?
cmpEvnt=component.getEvent("registrationInChild"); // Getting the event
storeMessage :
component.get("v.textMessage") // Setting some
parameter on event
// Firing the event
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
52) How to handle the above event i.e(Component event) in the parent component?
Component: (Name=ParentComp)
<aura:component >
<!--Handling the
event fired from child component, Specify the name with which the event was
registered in child component and the event along with the action to be
<aura:handler name="registrationInChild" event="c:CompEvent"
<aura:attribute name="parentMessage"
type="String" />
Javascript controller:
doHandleFromChild : function(component, event,
helper) {
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
53) Explain the syntax to register the Application event? Is it compulsory to register the application event?
Application event:
<aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Event template" >
<aura:attribute name="storeMessage" type="String"/>
No, It is not necessary to register the application event. It is optional. You can directly fire the event without registering.
<aura:component >
<!--Name is used to
give some name say "registrationInChild" to event during registration
and in the type we specify the event-->
<aura:registerEvent name="regInChild"
<aura:attribute name="textMessage" type="String"
default="Part from child comp"/>
<lightning:button label="Click To Fire"
Application event:
<aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Event template" >
<aura:attribute name="storeMessage" type="String"/>
No, It is not necessary to register the application event. It is optional. You can directly fire the event without registering.
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54) How to get the above event i.e(Application event) in Javascript controller of the component and how to fire it?
var aeEvent=$A.get("e.c:AppEvent");
storeMessage : component.get("v.textMessage")
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
55) How to handle the above event i.e(Application event) in some other component?
<aura:component >
event="c:AppEvent" action="{!c.doHandleFromChild}"/>
name="MessageFromApplication" type="String" />
doHandleFromChild :
function(component, event, helper) {
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
56) What are the phases available with Component events?
phase (Movement is from bottom to top in case of bubble phase)
2)Capture phase (Movement is from top to bottom in case of capture phase)
2)Capture phase (Movement is from top to bottom in case of capture phase)
Default phase for the component event is Bubble phase.If we do not specify any phase it is considered as bubble phase in case of component events.
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
57) Let say i have three components Bottom, Middle and Top as shown in below image. Middle comp is the immediate parent of Bottom comp and Top comp is the immediate parent of Middle comp. If i am firing a Component event from bottom component and handling it in Middle and Top component. What would be the behavior?
<aura:registerEvent name="propagationEvent"
<lightning:button label="Start Event propagation"
executeEvent : function(component, event,
helper) {
<aura:handler name="propagationEvent"
doHandleinMiddle : function(component, event,
helper) {
alert('From Middle component controller');
name="propagationEvent" event="c:CompEventforpropagation"
doHandleinTop : function(component, event,
helper) {
alert('From top component controller');
type="COMPONENT" description="Event template">
extends="force:slds" >
Middle component controller
top component controller
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
58) If in question 57 If i put phase="capture" in Top comp. How would be the behavior?
name="propagationEvent" event="c:CompEventforpropagation"
action="{!c.doHandleinTop}" phase="capture"/>
top component controller
Middle component controller
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
59) If in question 57 if i put phase="capture" in both Top and Middle comp. How would be the behavior?
top component controller
Middle component controller
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
60) If in question 57 if i put phase="capture" in Top comp and phase="bubble" in Middle comp.
How would be the behavior?
top component controller
Middle component controller
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
61) If in question 57 if i put phase="bubble" in Top comp and no phase in Middle comp.
How would be the behavior?
From Middle component controller
From top component controller
From Middle component controller
From top component controller
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
62) If in question 57 if i put phase="bubble" in Middle comp and no phase in Top comp.
How would be the behavior?
From Middle component controller
From top component controller
From Middle component controller
From top component controller
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
How would be the behavior?
Middle component controller
From top component controller
From top component controller
1)Bubble phase will always moves from bottom to top.
Capture phase will move from top to bottom
#salesforce lightning component interview questions#salesforce lightning questions#interview questions on lightning aura components#salesforce lightning interview questions and answers for experienced#salesforce interview questions lightning#salesforce aura interview questions#lightning aura interview questions
64) What are the phases available with Application events?
1)Bubble phase
2)Capture phase
3)Default phase
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Great work, Thanks for sharing!!
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